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WhatsApp Business

the complete guide
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Get the Most Out of Your Organization with WhatsApp Business: A Complete Guide

Do you want to maximize your professional work environment? Do you want to keep work and personal WhatsApp separate? Do you want to present a professional-looking WhatsApp to your target audience? Then WhatsApp Business is the solution for you! In this complete guide, you'll learn how to fully utilize WhatsApp Business to grow your business and connect with your customers.

WhatsApp Business offers a range of features specifically designed for organizations, including a professional business profile, quick replies, and automated messages. With these tools, you can effortlessly handle customer inquiries, manage orders, and share your business information.

Additionally, you will also discover how to integrate WhatsApp Business with other tools and systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software. This integration can help you work more efficiently and improve customer satisfaction. Whether you run a small business or a large enterprise, this complete guide will help you get the most out of WhatsApp Business. Read on and find out how you can elevate your business with this powerful communication tool.

Introduction to WhatsApp for Business

In the modern professional world, good communication and customer service are crucial. As an organization, you want to be accessible to your target audience. This applies to governments, healthcare, and commercial and service organizations alike. Ideally, you want to respond quickly to inquiries and ensure everyone is satisfied. With so many different communication channels, this is a big challenge. The question is whether you MUST be present everywhere. WhatsApp Business offers a professional solution for free, allowing you to communicate with your customers in a way that is familiar and easy for them.

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging services in the world, with over 2.8 billion users globally in 2023. By using WhatsApp Business, you can tap into this vast user base and reach your customers through a channel they use daily. With WhatsApp Business, you can create a professional business profile, send easy replies, and set up one-time automated messages to respond when you are not available.

WhatsApp Business is more than just a way to send messages. It also offers handy tools to streamline your customer service and improve your business processes. All these features make WhatsApp Business a powerful tool for any business planning to grow and serve its customers optimally.

The Features of WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business is different from personal WhatsApp and has the option to set absence messages outside business hours. This informs your target audience specifically and timely that you are not available to respond at that moment. This ensures smooth communication, even when you cannot answer messages. It prevents unnecessary uncertainty or irritation among customers. These messages can be sent once so that the customer has an answer in any case.

Business users can also create an official WhatsApp Business profile with business details such as the name, address, website, and opening hours. This business profile gives an online image of a more professional appearance and cannot be on a regular WhatsApp account. It is an extra channel as a signboard.

As you can see, WhatsApp Business helps organizations handle customer conversations efficiently and effectively through a popular and intuitive communication channel that everyone is familiar with.

Using WhatsApp for Customer Communication

One of the biggest advantages of WhatsApp Business is the ability to reach customers in an accessible way. After all, WhatsApp is already used by 99% of the population in Europe. Globally, WhatsApp has billions of users and has become an essential part of many people's daily communication. By being present on WhatsApp as a business, you ensure that you are easily accessible for questions, comments, and service requests.

Many consumers, as well as B2B customers, prefer WhatsApp. It gives your customers a more direct and personal feeling. They can also send a message so they have asked the question and 'can move on' because the answer will come soon. The customer does not need to fill out lengthy forms or be stuck in a queue. By simply sending a WhatsApp message as to a friend or family member. This low-threshold way of communicating often leads to more positive customer experiences.

Organizations can use WhatsApp Business not only for customer service but also for proactive communication with their target audience. Think of announcements about new products or services, information about planned maintenance work, or updates about an order. By communicating about this personally on WhatsApp, you increase customer engagement.

Whether you are a small enterprise or a large company, WhatsApp Business enables you to take your customer communication to the next level. By being present on the most popular chat channel in the world, you create low-threshold access and personal contact.

Best Practices for Using WhatsApp Business

To get the most out of WhatsApp Business, it is important to follow a few tips. By using WhatsApp Business correctly, you ensure an optimal customer experience and efficient workflows within your organization.

First, it's important that you're reachable but not available 24/7 on WhatsApp. Set realistic expectations with customers by communicating clear opening hours and response times. Put this in your business profile. Make use of absence messages outside business hours to inform customers in a timely manner.

Also, ensure that incoming questions or requests are promptly picked up and handled. Nothing is more frustrating for customers than unanswered messages. Keep WhatsApp Business Web open with your employees. Then you can work on conversations with up to four people at the same time. Make good work agreements with your team about who is responsible for keeping track of the WhatsApp inbox at different times.

Furthermore, it is wise to establish a clear policy regarding the types of conversations that can and cannot be conducted via WhatsApp. While the channel is low-threshold, there are limits to what you can communicate safely and professionally.

Also, always carefully monitor the tone and style of your messages. The customer is communicating with your organization. The informal atmosphere of WhatsApp can cause the boundaries between business and personal to blur. Keep your approach professional yet friendly.

Continue to comply with all applicable privacy legislation such as the GDPR, especially if you send direct marketing messages via WhatsApp. Ensure that customers have explicitly consented and inform them about their data protection rights.

By applying the above best practices, you can fully benefit from the advantages of WhatsApp Business without losing sight of the professional appearance and data security. In this way, you elevate your customer communication to a higher level.

WhatsApp for Professionals: Team Inbox

WhatsApp Business already offers many handy features for organizations. In the professional world, where you work with more than one person in a department or within a company, there is a powerful additional solution for organizations wanting to take their WhatsApp communication to an even more professional level: Ripplecom.

Ripplecom is an advanced team inbox specially developed on WhatsApp for businesses with more than one employee. It allows an unlimited number of employees—WhatsApp Business is a maximum of four—to collaborate on conversations within a single central environment. All incoming WhatsApp messages from your target audience are neatly streamlined and can be easily picked up, assigned, or forwarded to the right contact persons or departments. Provide conversations with intelligent labels. Track conversations as they move through the organization. Get notifications when action is or needs to be taken on conversations.

Instead of fragmented WhatsApp conversations on individual phones, Ripplecom offers a clear collaboration from an intuitive Inbox. New conversations are centrally received and can be picked up immediately by available team members. Open conversations can be tagged, and internal notes can be added to provide context to colleagues.

In addition, Ripplecom ensures a professional and consistent service experience for customers and citizens or residents. All employees have the same information at their disposal and adhere to the same scripts or answer templates. And thanks to the shared inbox, there is always visibility on who recently communicated with a customer.

Another strength of Ripplecom is monitoring and managing work and response times. Managers can use real-time statistics to monitor productivity and responsiveness toward customers and adjust if necessary. Moreover, priorities can be easily set for certain types of customer inquiries.

Finally, Ripplecom offers various settings to make workflows as efficient as possible. Think of automatic assignment of conversations based on themes, language preferences, or specific team members. But also time-bound routing rules when extra manpower is needed at certain times. Through AI integrations, you can remain personal yet provide all information to customers.

With advanced features like these, Ripplecom facilitates a much more professional WhatsApp approach for customer contact and collaboration between teams. While the WhatsApp experience remains familiar and accessible for the customer, Ripplecom optimizes all processes behind the scenes for maximum efficiency.

Integration of WhatsApp

One of the greatest strengths of Ripplecom is the ability to seamlessly integrate with other business tools and systems within your organization. By connecting WhatsApp communication with existing software, you enhance efficiency and provide a fully integrated customer experience. Ripplecom can be easily integrated with more than 1000 applications. Download your transcripts or link the communication to your customer files.

Ripplecom can, for example, be linked to your CRM system. Incoming customer conversations are then immediately enriched with all relevant contact details from your CRM. Made notes and conversation history are also updated in real-time in the CRM file.

Integrations with tools for project management, ticketing, or field service are also possible. Incoming service requests via WhatsApp can be directly converted into new tasks or tickets with pre-set triage rules.

Finally, Ripplecom can connect to your existing back-end systems for seamless data exchange. Product information, availabilities, shipping statuses, and more can be retrieved in real time to accurately inform customers without manual work.


WhatsApp has become one of the most popular communication channels in the world, with billions of active users globally. It offers organizations a great opportunity to reach their customers through a channel that is trusted, personal, and accessible. By using WhatsApp as an official contact point, you create a more positive and direct customer experience.

With WhatsApp Business, businesses have tools for a professional appearance, quick automated responses, and basic statistics. For up to four people, WhatsApp Business is sufficient. But for teams that really want to maximize their benefits, Ripplecom is the powerful solution that elevates WhatsApp to a professional service level.

Ripplecom adds extensive functionality as a central team inbox, advanced conversation allocation, prioritization, and workflow optimization. Real-time insights give managers full control over all communication and conversations, measuring productivity towards customers and making adjustments. Because Ripplecom also seamlessly integrates with other systems, it creates a central WhatsApp platform for all customer interactions.The power of WhatsApp with the simplicity of email.

Whether you are a small enterprise or a large organization, Ripplecom in combination with WhatsApp Business optimizes your service and communication. While your target audience benefits from the low-threshold accessibility of WhatsApp, you strengthen internal efficiency, control, and professionalism with Ripplecom.

Discover the benefits of Ripplecom today and elevate your WhatsApp usage to a higher service level. By combining these two forces, you not only enhance the customer experience but also the operational capability of your entire organization.

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