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WhatsApp and GDPR for Your Organization

"Is WhatsApp GDPR-compliant?" is a frequently searched term on Google in 2023, and not without reason. We can tell you that your WhatsApp channel can be GDPR-compliant if you handle it correctly. To help you with this, here's some information. Essentially, you need to ensure proper consents, simple opt-outs, and manage and store people's information correctly.

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a law that ensures companies in the EU protect consumer data. Introduced in 2018, its aim is to ensure that "EU citizens have the right to data protection," as promised in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

Who needs to comply with GDPR?

The European Commission states that GDPR applies if:

  • Your company processes personal data and is based in the EU, regardless of where the actual data processing takes place.
  • Your company is based outside the EU but processes personal data in relation to offering goods or services to individuals in the EU, or monitors the behavior of individuals within the EU.
  • Companies not based in the EU that process data of EU citizens must appoint a representative in the EU.
  • What companies must do to comply with GDPR

    The GDPR requires that companies apply the following principles in their privacy policies:

  • Be lawful, fair, and transparent – use data in a lawful manner and be transparent to individuals and the companies you work with.
  • Have a clear purpose – be clear about how and why your company collects personal data.
  • Minimize data – only collect data if you intend to use it for a specific purpose.
  • Be accurate – ensure that the data your company processes are accurate and stored correctly.
  • Limit storage – don't keep data forever, set a period when they will be deleted.
  • Ensure integrity and confidentiality – store data securely to prevent "accidental loss, destruction, or damage."
  • Be accountable – establish, document, and communicate data protection policies.
  • GDPR in Practice

  • GDPR is the reason you have to click on cookie pop-ups before entering a website for the first time.
  • It's the reason you need to check the box "yes, I want to receive marketing communications" when giving your email address to a company (and this should not be pre-checked).
  • Finally, it's the reason there is an "Unsubscribe" button at the bottom of emails.
  • It may be annoying at times, but GDPR is there to keep our data safe, keep companies in check, and our inboxes free from spam.

    Why is GDPR Relevant for Companies Using WhatsApp?

    When companies open a WhatsApp marketing channel, they start collecting information about customers: phone numbers, names, and possibly information like address, location, purchase history, pet names, clothing size, and more. Naturally, GDPR data protection rules will apply here, just as they do in other communication channels like email and SMS.

    WhatsApp Business App vs Platform (API): A Different Approach to GDPR?

    Whether you use the app or the API, the principles remain the same: you need to handle consent properly and treat people's data safely and responsibly. With Ripplecom , you can set up automatic flows that keep your WhatsApp communications GDPR-compliant, store consent information automatically, and make data easily accessible. From the central Team Inbox.

    Can Large Enterprises Stay GDPR-Compliant in WhatsApp Business?

    Yes, large enterprises can be GDPR-compliant on WhatsApp. Global businesses have the same GDPR obligations as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) when it comes to handling EU citizens.

    WhatsApp and GDPR: A Summary

    EU companies must adhere to GDPR data privacy rules according to the law. Otherwise, they risk hefty fines. As best practice and to build customer trust, companies outside the EU should also comply with GDPR as the global gold standard for data protection legislation. WhatsApp is GDPR-compliant for businesses – whether small, medium-sized, or large – if they handle consents and data processing and storage correctly.

    No Worries

    With Ripplecom, you meet the GDPR measures as stated. Therefore, you have no more reason not to do it. Contact us to see what we can do for you. Make use of the power of WhatsApp with the ease you are used to from email.


    Disclaimer: The information in this article is based on our experience and expertise and is not offered as legal or data privacy advice. For complete information about your legal obligations under the GDPR, please visit the official GDPR site of the European Commission.

    We hope this was helpful in understanding how WhatsApp and GDPR are connected. For more information on how to be GDPR-compliant, keep an eye on our website. If you have specific questions in the meantime, please contact us.

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