
Your data kept safe from the start

Developing world-class software is safety & security the foundation. Your data remains yours. Always. We keep your data safe and secure the way our data needs to be secure. Guaranteing by working with certified partners, suppliers and communication with our customers to be safe. Communcation is our passion. Security is a must.

Certified suppliers
Trained safety staff
Data Vaults & Encryption
You have the data ownership
Workload Management

Keep communication scalable.

Every process success is excellent communication. The right information at the right time from the right expert. Directly, seamless and easy from your existing business phone number. Assign your customer directly to your specilist. No routing through the whole organisation. Right at the spot. Get notifications when needed. The customer experience just one voice, one organisation, getting the right answer.

Direct communication between expert and customer
Keep track of the conversations
Smart notifications for follow-up
Easy manage open conversations for excellent processes
Power of Teamwork

What's our power? Teamwork tower!

The key of bridging your organisation with your customer is through excellent communication and discipline. Getting the right discipline in direct contact with the customer keeps your team strong in developing satified customers, satified work and team morality. Keep track of conversations by following this through the lifecycle. In the central Ripplecom WhatsApp Team Inbox. Using the power of WhatsApp and the ease of e-mail your team accelerates, your customer happiness grows.

Bridge your organisation - customer gap
Satisfied customer, satisfied staff
Power of WhatsApp, Ease of E-mail
Communication Performance Dashboarding
External & internal messaging

Conversations with the best context speeds the handling

Conversations and messages sometimes needs clarfication before routing it to the team. These messages are kept internal. Your team can discuss internally routing the messages. Your customer gets the right answer in the right context. All send from your own business phone number. Elimate miscommunication, enlage engagement with excellent communication.

Easily clarify context internal
Discuss within the conversation
Give the best answers keeping customers involved
Excellent professional external communication
Hassle-free communication

Dialogues directly with your customers via WhatsApp

99% of your customers use WhatsApp. Why don't you use it in your organisation? Start with your hassle-free communication with your customer or residents. A conversation is a dialogue. Dialogues are your chance to get more involvement, engagement and conversions. Excellent communication keeps your organisation with a head-start. Without increasing staff.

Direct dialogue with your customers
WhatsApp is the most used communcation platform on the world
Keep ahead of any competition
Increase communcation without more staff
Quality assured implementation

How we embed WhatsApp Ripplecom in your organisation

We use a four-step process called Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) to setup WhatsApp Ripplecom in your organisation.
First, we Plan. We talk about what you need and what Ripplecom can do. We make everything clear and agree on details.
Next, we Do. We onboard your organisational phone number to Ripplecom and setup your team with access to use the system.
Then, we Check. In the first few days we see how your team handles Rippelcom. We make sure you're getting the most from talking to customers.
Lastly, we Act. We look how everyting works and make changes to improve. If you want new features we go through these steps again. We also offer extra training and guided documentation. This way we make sure you are getting a top quality service.

Plan: We make agreements and manage expectations
Do: Implement Ripplecom for your organisation
Check: Your team starts working and improving
Act: We evaluate and see if improvement is needed
kickstart target-communication

Interested in how we can offer your organisation the optimised excellent communication?

Reply within 24 hours
24 hrs support via Ripplecom

Need to boost your communication for better projects, processes and organisation? Want to create participation and support of your target group? Give your people the best tooling to team up. Use our excellent communication talent to support and growth of your organisation. Within one week your Ripplecom is up-and-running. Kickstart your business, reach your target group where they are: in their phone.

Call or WhatsApp to ask any question
