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Using WhatsApp as a Communication Tool

With email, digital communication took off. Email once dominated the scene, first in personal, private conversations, and later in professional interactions. This transition took years. But after email, with the rise of social media, its heyday faded. Overflowing email inboxes and spam quickly became the norm. Personally, people no longer send emails, except for formal communication, much like traditional paper letters. Email was once an efficient and reliable method for sending and receiving messages. Now, it has become a digital jungle of unread notifications, overflowing folders, and a constant flow of irrelevant newsletters.

WhatsApp: The Hidden Communication Gem

Wherever personal interaction leads, the same goes for short messages. Often informal and 'quick to respond'. In the shadow of the chaos that is email, WhatsApp has evolved over the years into a powerful, yet largely overlooked hero: WhatsApp. While this platform originated in personal circles, the challenge remains wide open in business environments. This isn't due to a lack of potential—on the contrary. It's now still a lack of attention, necessity, and understanding of WhatsApp's potential. It still feels somewhat "new" in the business world. Meanwhile, email remains stuck in a sea of unread messages. WhatsApp, on the other hand, offers a direct and intuitive way to stay connected. We already use it personally to keep in touch with colleagues via group chats. This is both within and beyond the walls of an organization.

WhatsApp's Unique Selling Point

In the online world, the real issue isn't reaching customers. We have countless online marketing agencies that promise to "rank high on Google". Generating lots of content is important for that. But also tricks like buying backlinks to rank a page high on Google. These have sprung up like mushrooms in recent years. Now, focus on where the customer is; social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. It's smart to reach the target audience there. But what about when customers want to reach your organization? Where do organizations find the ability to engage the audience effectively and promptly? In a time when our attention spans are shorter than ever. Good for reaching customers. How do customers reach you? Communication is a two-way street after all. It's essential to communicate on the channels our target audiences actively use and trust. That's where WhatsApp shines. While emails go unanswered and phone calls result in call-back requests, WhatsApp provides a direct line to the customer, whenever and wherever they need it.

The Business Key to Success

WhatsApp is increasingly used in the business world. WhatsApp Business is overrated. It's even banned in some cases. Something that's nearly impossible. Frustration in reaching organizations seems higher than ever. Unanswered emails, phone calls with long wait times, and no direct connection with the customer anymore. In light of these challenges, we've developed Ripplecom. The only innovative solution that allows organizations to integrate WhatsApp into existing communication strategies in an organized way. Focused on teamwork with the team. Collaborating with colleagues on clients. Or the worst version we're going to start working customer-centric. Ripplecom is here not only to work customer-centric (logical) and to collaborate with colleagues. The use of WhatsApp in companies is intended to communicate quickly and easily - briefly! - with customers, and to collaborate internally in a way that was previously unthinkable. That's what makes Ripplecom unique!

Ripplecom offers features that are customer-centric and focused on collaboration. We do this with a central smart inbox where conversations come together. At the same time, an unlimited number of colleagues have access to it. This allows conversations to be 'forwarded' to the right colleague, who can then provide an answer. Follow conversations after they've been forwarded to see if there's any response. Because nothing is more annoying than not following up on a question. That's exactly how you're customer-focused and task-oriented. It's even possible to automate messages, analyze customer interactions, and integrate with other communication systems. This all seems like a bridge too far "because regular WhatsApp can't do that either". We finally enable companies to harness the power of WhatsApp with the ease of email. At the same time, we fully meet the demands of a modern, digitally driven world.

WhatsApp: The Future of Communication is NOW

The potential of WhatsApp is enormous, and it's time to embrace and acknowledge it. WhatsApp isn't just a communication tool; it's a powerful instrument for engagement and connection. Leveraging its strength requires smart, measured, and controlled use. That may sound complicated, but it's certainly not. With Ripplecom as your partner, you're ready to tackle the challenges of the modern world. You want to reach your customers, and your customers want to reach you. With Ripplecom, that connection is closer than ever.

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Need to boost your communication for better projects, processes and organisation? Want to create participation and support of your target group? Give your people the best tooling to team up. Use our excellent communication talent to support and growth of your organisation. Within one week your Ripplecom is up-and-running. Kickstart your business, reach your target group where they are: in their phone.

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