Where online marketing stops, starts WhatsApp

From Click to Customer
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Where Online Marketing stops, starts WhatsApp

Being found online is an excellent first step. Online marketing agencies are popping up like mushrooms to help your customers discover your business through Google or social media. Being visible is crucial in the online world. Being known to your potential customers. Getting noticed by your customers. And then they come... Your online marketing agency creates content and knows exactly where each customer comes from on the digital highway. However, this is just the beginning of the customer journey. What happens after customers find you? How do you turn a click into a customer? The answer lies in effective communication.

Online marketing attracts customers. You use SEO, paid advertisements, and active social media. The DA's, CPC's, ROAS, and other terms fly around you. These methods are powerful. They make you visible. Costly and oh so important to stay ahead of your competitors. Making sure your customers visit your site. Landing pages to offer your product in as short a time as possible. From viewing your offer to buying. But then..? This is where many businesses get stuck.

From Click to Customer 

The power of communication after the click should not be underestimated. Customers want the right information quickly. Customers expect immediate responses. If customers have questions, they want them answered quickly. That's the online world. Online everything must be smooth. Online is safe. Calling is too direct and customers prefer not to do it anymore. The speed and quality of your response determine whether they will proceed with your company. Trust comes on foot and goes online at high speed. The battle for the customer. It is here that WhatsApp can take on the role.

Communication is the Golden Opportunity

WhatsApp is well-known and loved worldwide. With a coverage rate in the Netherlands of 99% and in Europe 97%, this is the platform where nearly everyone feels comfortable. It is fast and personal. For organisations, this means a golden opportunity. After being found online (and having paid the cost-per-click) it's now time for action. Communicate directly and effectively with customers. A quick question? A direct answer. A satisfied customer.

Professional, Direct, and Together

That's why it's time for a professional approach to communication. Every success in the process is communication. Add the power and functionality of WhatsApp with efficient collaboration in the organisation. Collaborate with the ease of email. Ripplecom with the central team inbox provides the solution. This means all messages come into one place. No more confusion about who answers what. Assign conversations with internal notes to the right team members. This significantly improves response time.

Another advantage of Ripplecom is the overview it provides. You see in real-time who is handling what. You know which questions are urgent. Your team works more efficiently. All this leads to better customer service. But that's not all. Do more than just organise. Build your relationships. Every interaction with a customer is an opportunity. An opportunity to impress. An opportunity to strengthen a relationship. With Ripplecom, you ensure that no opportunity is missed.

Available for You Within 24 Hours

Implementing Ripplecom is simple. The system is user-friendly. It requires minimal training. It integrates seamlessly with existing systems. This makes Ripplecom ideal for both small businesses and large enterprises. In summary, after the click, the real work begins. This is where communication becomes crucial. With WhatsApp and Ripplecom, you turn clicks into customers. You offer fast, effective communication. You build relationships. This is how you turn an online visitor into a loyal customer.

Investing in good communication tools is essential. It's not just about finding customers. It's about retaining and satisfying customers. This is where your business truly grows. Ripplecom and WhatsApp are indispensable tools here. They transform communication from a potential weakness into your strongest asset.

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Need to boost your communication for better projects, processes and organisation? Want to create participation and support of your target group? Give your people the best tooling to team up. Use our excellent communication talent to support and growth of your organisation. Within one week your Ripplecom is up-and-running. Kickstart your business, reach your target group where they are: in their phone.

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